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Please note we don’t consider unsolicited manuscripts or book proposals. We do not publish single-author collections at all.

We periodically issue calls for submissions to our planned multi-author projects, and aim to include in these a plethora of styles and approaches by writers and artists both established and unsung. We encourage submissions by members of underrepresented groups, though we do not place upon members of those groups any expectation that they foreground or discuss aspects of their identity or personal experiences. Generally, we don’t believe the value of work rests in its claim to authenticity.

On the other hand, we encourage exploration of any topic, so long as it plausibly fits the criteria for a given project.

At the moment, there are no calls for submissions, but you can keep up to date via our blog, Twitter and Facebook feeds.


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Sidekick Books Site assembled by Jon.
Wordpress TwentySixteen theme used to power the news and books sections.